Friday, April 20, 2012

Popup restaurant @ livingsocial _ Founding Farmers spring menu preview

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Because These Gals Ain't Got Fingers . . .

No, really. Cut it out with the Chicken Fingers already. I'm sure its made from that pink chicken slurry stuff anyway. 

This photo is the closest I've seen to match an alleged said chicken finger and its gross. So is this one:

The idea creeps me out anyway. Let's say goodbye to the finger for real. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Arsenic in Our Chicken? -

Arsenic in Our Chicken? -
". . . my topic today is a pair of new scientific studies suggesting that poultry on factory farms are routinely fed caffeine, active ingredients of Tylenol and Benadryl, banned antibiotics and even arsenic.
“We were kind of floored,” said Keeve E. Nachman, a co-author of both studies and a scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future.  “It’s unbelievable what we found.”

'via Blog this'

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hot Wings . . . The Bane of My Existence

I'm just saying- those KFC hot wings ain't the worst pieces of yardbird to be had in the fifty states. In the past several months they have lured me on recurring Fridays to ignore my mostly vegetarian diet.

Why, I can even eat them without the requisite hot sauce . . . and all those who know me, know that I 'put that sh#* on everything'!
These new wings are crunchy and seasoned with cayenne - CRUNCH & SPICE - nuthin' better in the world.

If this keeps up KFC will have to buy that  genetically engineered multi-winged chicken abomination Dan Halen Industries created on Squidbillies to supply the wing nuts of the world.